Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Like any other construction project....

...the project hit a few snags.


Not enough time and just plain old forgetting!

Ha! Who knew?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Funny how time slips away..

Been there done that!

My Friday will be spent working on this site, I can't believe it's been
so flipping long! I got a lot more done when I was an insomniac!
Course... that's slowy returning so I should be getting busy again soon!
Check back on the weekend if you can!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I know... some reconstruction, eh?

Yeah.... it's my ball and I gotta go get it, soon I promise. Like anyone notices how long it's been.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Lions and tigers and bears Oh MY!

Okay... so right now it's just a little, um... under construction... yeah, that's it! It's under construction!

More by the end of the month!

Oh get off the floor, it wasn't that funny!

Friday, March 05, 2010

The world is once again lighter as a new star shines in the sky...

My heart aches at your passing...
Godspeed & God Bless...
Del Kinzebach

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A new star in the heavens......

'Herby' Benaszeski
1926 ~ 2009
"Perhaps they are not stars at all...
but openings in which,
our loved ones watch over us all..."
"You will be so dearly missed..."

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas is over!

Thank heavens for that! I know some of you are going, "What?!" Yeah... it's true, I can be a bit "Scroogey" by this time of the year. My main complaint is not the celebration, the time with loved ones, etc... it's the utter, commercialization of the season as a whole.
I detest Christmas music, commercials, city decoration up and lit a few days after Halloween! Seriously! I'm at Wally-World to pick up some Halloween candy and right across the aisle they're setting up Christmas wreaths! I could have just screamed!
That isn't Christmas! Christmas is very important and filled with celebration for those that believe Jesus Christ, their Saviour, was born. It is a time when you should always greet someone with a smile, a decent attitude and a "Merry Christmas!" from your lips.
For me personally, my Christmas is tomorrow. After the hectic Thanksgiving (but some really funny moments!) we decided to make our get together after the 'Mad-Dash Holiday Race' would be over. It'll be a day of "YAY! The pressure is off!" No more , "Well, gotta go to Grandma's, then so & so's parents!"
Tomorrow at Dad's, it's "Hey! We baked a ham, there's a crock pot of BBQ, munchies, cookies... and one of Dad's chocolate cakes! Come on over!" There's no big sit down meal... grab a plate and just help yourself!" (And brother dear... I call dibs on the the blue chair till Uncle Joe gets there!)
My Aunt Rosie & Uncle Joe from Texas will be there, along with my Dad, my baby-girls, their boyfriends, my brother, my nephew and his bride... it'll be crazy, but everything is set up to be easy and fun. There's no time constraints, no other visits to race off to. Yeah... it'll be a zoo but it is so worth it! How could it not be!?